Ðarth Martyr This is a sample video I took yesterday and edited to show you how these frag videos look in our battles on the server. Tell me what you think! I think they'd be great for server/clan advertisement. [html] <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-UaQAlBYWy8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> [/html]
Ðarth Apocalypse I think JKA DE videos would be awesome, they are cool to watch entertaining to see familiar faces. It may even pull in someone to join you never know.
Empari This is really cool, I love the camera work. Perhaps for a recruitment video we could have Apoc dress in his usual gear, the rest of us dress in jedi garb and ambush him, then subsequently get murdered.
Ðarth Apocalypse I was thinking about it, we can still easily do it through editing, even if I die, I can respawn and go back to killing you guys, just edit out me dieing.
Ðarth Arken That's so awesome! Gotta love jamme. We should definitely make a promo video sometime when almost everyone is on at once.
fokai Here's mine! Hope you enjoy. http://youtu.be/PohgXDGKkJE Idk how to make the video appear on forums rather than just link.
W1ldFyre fokai link wrote Here's mine! Hope you enjoy. http://youtu.be/PohgXDGKkJE Idk how to make the video appear on forums rather than just link. I feel like the "BOOM HEADSHOT!" sound effect would be appropriate for this