This saber design is badass and not as original as you'd think. It's basically a variation of a Crossguard lightsaber. It's pretty damn practical for lightsaber combat too.
Rublio Darte had a similar one, and although having it be an ancient Sith Sword would be cool, I doubt it is.
The novels may be considered non-canon but I heard they are still inspired off of a lot of it and if that's true a Sith Sword is a literal none-elegant sword infused with the Dark Side and that doesn't look like what's going on with his.
Looks like he has an unstable lightsaber crystal inside making it pulse with energy instead of the finesse looking original saber. But either way I just hope this is a totally new character and not "Emperor Palpatine Clone" cop out. Or... Revan? Nah.. lol
Remember though this is a teaser so we don't get much to play with here besides eye candy which didn't disappoint. I LOVED the X-Wing's flying over the water... looked epic. Loved the Stormtrooper armors, was sleek and clean. Loved the Sith's voice and his lightsaber. Looking forward to this new Star Wars film and can't wait tbh.
The whole concept of the "Force" or something awakening after there was been an actual established Balance in it, is extremely interesting.
I used to get mad how Anakin was suppose to create a balance but yet... all these f'king Dark Side users kept popping up in the novels after the movies and I was like.. well nothing f'king changed! This is the one good thing about saying the novels are non-canon.. It just pains me to hear that all the old republic stories are gone too tho... I dont think they needed to be effected..
Anyway again, cant wait for this!