Jedi Academy turned 20 years old this month, and JKHub partnered up with the JKC discord and some others to put on a server event on that day. I posted about this in our Discord, but thought I’d post the recap here. We saw over 150 people throughout the day with a full 32 slot server most of the time. Thanks to @Ðarth Martyr for being there all day and @Ðarth Apocalypse for showing up at the end. I was basically working the entire time on the stream and video capture side so it was stressful for me but so cool to see the community show up. I ended up having more fun when we moved to the DE server for the rest of the night since I stopped worrying about working. 
This also makes me thankful for DE and the role it has played in my JKA career and memories. I was exclusively a singleplayer scrub until I hopped in the MP and the DE server for the first time and you guys taught me a whole new side of the game and made lifetime friendships. Love you guys. 
Here’s a video I made to recap the event and thank the community overall for 20 years of this game.
News post: